Graphical display of management data obtained from an extensible management server

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8356309





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An extensible management server (XMS) is disclosed that includes a management interface, a scripting engine, and a data store having management scripts and a management class library stored therein. The management interface provides functionality for receiving and responding to commands received from a management application. The management scripts include functionality for retrieving and setting management data on managed computers. The management scripts are configured to utilize classes contained in the management class library to perform the actual interaction with the managed server computers for retrieving or setting management data. The management scripts may also be configured to utilize a graphical display application programming interface for generating graphical display instructions for use by the management application in graphically displaying the management data.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Burrell, Brandon Suwanee, US 9 82
Inbaraj, Joseprabu Lawrenceville, US 54 1196
Reddy, Bakka Ravinder Norcross, US 12 96

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