Semiconductor device including thin film transistor

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5561308





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A semiconductor device comprises a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type, a first insulation film formed on the semiconductor substrate, a gate electrode and a second insulation film formed in sequence on the first insulation film, a trench being formed to extend through the second insulation film, the gate electrode and the first insulation film to an interior of the semiconductor substrate. A cylindrical gate insulation film is formed on a surface of the gate electrode which is exposed in the trench. A capacitor insulation film is formed on a surface of the semiconductor substrate exposed in the trench. A cylindrical conductive film is formed inside these insulation films. The cylindrical conductive film includes a region doped with an impurity of the first conductivity type and formed on a surface of the gate insulation film, a region doped with an impurity of a second conductivity type and formed on a surface of the second insulation film and a region doped with an impurity of the second conductivity type and formed on a surface of the capacitor insulation film. A conductive column is formed in a region surrounded by the cylindrical conductive film.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kamata, Hideyuki Kawasaki, JP 11 100
Kumagai, Jumpei Yokohama, JP 12 262

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