Cutting head having four cutting portions and two convex clamping surfaces, and rotary cutting tool

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11819926
APP PUB NO 20230150036A1





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A cutting head rotatable about a head axis has a cap portion and a rigid mounting protuberance joined to the cap portion. The cap portion has exactly four cutting portions circumferentially alternating with four head flutes and a head base surface facing in an axially rearward direction. The mounting protuberance extends axially rearwardly from the head base surface and has exactly two circumferentially spaced apart convex clamping surfaces. In a cross-section taken in a first horizontal plane perpendicular to the head axis and intersecting the mounting protuberance, only the two clamping surfaces are circumscribed by an imaginary first circle having a first diameter and a center coincident with the head axis. A rotary cutting tool has an elongated tool shank with a head receiving pocket at a forward end thereof and the cutting head of the type described above releasably secured to the head receiving pocket.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kablan, Hytham Bet Jaan, IL 2 0
Shitrit, Shim'on Kibbutz Metsuba, IL 7 11

Cited Art Landscape

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