Hybrid spectral domain optical coherence tomography line scanning laser ophthalmoscope

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7866821
APP PUB NO 20100073634A1





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An apparatus for imaging an eye includes a housing and a system of optical components disposed in the housing. The apparatus is capable of operating in a line scanning laser opthalmoscope (LSLO) mode and an optical coherence tomography (OCT) mode. The system of optical components can include a first source to provide a first beam of light for the OCT mode and a second source to provide a second beam of light for the LSLO mode. In the OCT mode, a first optic is used that (i) scans, using a first surface of the first optic, the first beam of light along a retina of an eye in a first dimension, and (ii) descans, using the first surface, a first light returning from the eye in the first dimension to a detection system in the OCT mode. In the LSLO mode, the first optic is used where the second beam of light passes through a second surface of the first optic.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bigelow, Chad Cambridge, US 7 170
Ferguson, R Daniel Melrose, US 24 855
Hammer, Daniel X Bedford, US 16 603
Iftimia, Nicusor V Chelmsford, US 17 500

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