Combined drinking cup and horn

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6439419





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A combined drinking cup and horn comprises a generally L-shaped cup portion having a small diameter first end and a larger diameter second end. The second end of the cup portion is large enough to permit a user to drink from the cup portion through the second end thereof when a lid on the second end of the cup portion has been removed to expose a beverage contained in the cup portion. A mouthpiece is attached by a reduced diameter neck to the first end of the cup portion. An opening in the mouthpiece is normally closed by a removable stopper. When the cup portion is empty of the beverage, the user can then remove the stopper. The user can then blow through the mouthpiece to create a tonal sound similar to that provided by a horn. The combined drinking cup and horn could be sold at sporting events or the like for use at the event.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Darabi, James S 1609 W. County Rd. 42, #131, Burnsville, MN 55306 1 14

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