Distributed machine learning control of electric submersible pumps

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11480039
APP PUB NO 20210071508A1





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A motor of an electric submersible pump (ESP) is positioned in a wellbore. Measured data is received from one or more sensors. A first deep learning model running on a motor controller of the ESP determines first operating parameters or first operating conditions for the ESP based on the measured data. The motor controller sends the first operating parameters or first operating conditions to a centralized computer system. A second deep learning model running on the centralized computer system determines second operating parameters or second operating conditions associated with the ESP based on the first operating parameters or first operating conditions. The centralized computer system sends the second operating parameters or second operating conditions to the motor controller. The motor controller adjusts operation of the motor of the ESP based on the second operating parameters or second operating conditions.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Beck, David C Broken Arrow, US 15 110
Brown, Donn J Broken Arrow, US 94 670
Janger, Luke Golden Tulsa, US 6 10

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