Feature point estimation device, feature point position estimation method, and computer-readable medium

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11163980
APP PUB NO 20200327368A1





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A feature point position estimation device is provided. The feature point position estimation device includes a subject detection section for detecting a subject region from a subject image, a feature point positioning section for positioning a feature point at a preliminarily prepared initial feature point position with respect to the subject region, a feature amount acquisition unit for acquiring a feature amount of the feature points arranged, a regression calculation unit for calculating a deviation amount of a position of a true feature point with respect to the position of the feature point by performing a regression calculation on the feature amount, and a repositioning unit for repositioning the feature points based on the deviation amount. The regression calculation unit calculates the deviation amount by converting the feature amount in a matrix-resolved regression matrix.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ambai, Mitsuru Hiratsuka, JP 9 13
Munaoka, Yutaka Kariya, JP 11 128
Omi, Takuhiro Kariya, JP 37 788

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