Semiconductor device and manufacturing method thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6096583





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In forming an element isolating region in a silicon semiconductor layer of an SOI substrate, a silicon nitride film of a predetermined thickness is deposited over an oxide film formed on a SOI layer. The silicon nitride film is patterned in a design size of active regions, and side walls of a silicon nitride film are formed on the side surfaces of the patterned silicon nitride film. A first LOCOS process is carried out using the nitride film as an oxidation mask. A LOCOS film formed by the first LOCOS process is removed to form narrower concavities under the side walls. Then, another silicon nitride film is deposited, and is removed leaving portions thereof forming the concavities. Then, a second LOCOS process is carried out to form a LOCOS film as an element isolating region. The second LOCOS process uses the oxidation mask having the narrow cavities, so that stress at the boundary of the active region and the element isolation region is reduced, and the growth of bird's beaks can be suppressed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Inoue, Yasuo Tokyo, JP 196 3550
Ipposhi, Takashi Tokyo, JP 134 2258
Iwamatsu, Toshiaki Tokyo, JP 220 3329

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