Wheel balance weight and a method of manufacturing the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6260929





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A wheel balance weight including a plurality of weight bodies of at least one kind and an adhesive double-coated tape. Each of the plurality of weight bodies is made from a metal other than lead and the side surfaces of adjacent weight body are tapered. The balance weight may include one or more weight bodies each having a predetermined weight of W and W/n. The balance weight may include one or more weight bodies each having a predetermined weight of W and a summation of W/n and W. A method of manufacturing a balance weight includes: producing a bar material having tapered surfaces at opposite sides, cutting the bar material into a plurality of weight bodies, and attaching the plurality of weight bodies to an adhesive double-coated tape. Alternately, a method of manufacturing a balance weight may include: producing a bar material, punching the bar material by a punch and a die so that cut planes are tapered thereby manufacturing a plurality of weight bodies, and attaching the plurality of weight bodies to an adhesive double-coated tape.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Maruyama, Saburo Ayase, JP 7 97
Oba, Kentaro Tokyo, JP 7 58

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