Foldable sign holder

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7258315
APP PUB NO 20050167555A1





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A holder for planar material includes a first panel and a second panel hingedly connected to the first panel. A prong is secured to the first panel and extends in a direction approximately normal thereto. The prong has a pointed tip. An aperture is defined in the second panel. The pointed tip pierces an associated planar material located between the panels such that the prong of the first panel can pass through the associated planar material and enter the aperture of the second panel when the first panel overlies a portion of the second panel, thereby holding the associated planar material between the first and second panels. A clip is connected to at least one of the first and second panels. The clip allows the holder to be mounted to an associated support. In another embodiment, each of the first and second panels includes an extension and a hinge connects the first and second extensions thereby allowing the first panel, and the first extension, to be pivoted in relation to the second panel and the second extension. This enables the holder to be selectively mounted on a wire component of an associated support.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Wamsley, Stephen D Lakewood, OH 24 882

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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