Method and apparatus for tracking the navigation path of a user on the world wide web

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5717860





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A method and apparatus for tracking the navigation path of a user that has been directed to a second site on the World Wide Web (WWW) from a first site on the WWW. The first site has a universal resource locator (URL) symbol for uniquely identifying an address of the first site on the WWW, and the second site has a URL symbol for uniquely identifying an address of the second site on the WWW. A composite URL symbol is received at the second WWW site when the user is directed from the first site to the second site. The composite URL symbol has a first portion corresponding to the URL symbol of the second site, and a second portion that includes information corresponding to the identity of the first site. Information representative of the identity of the first WWW site is captured at the second WWW site from the second portion of the composite URL. The identity of the first WWW site is then determined at the second WWW site by comparing information from the second portion of the composite URL to a table having a plurality of entries each of which is representative of a known WWW site.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Graber, Terry E Downingtown, PA 3 1319
Kopelman, Joshua Malvern, PA 15 2166
Watkeys, III Edwin Howell North Wales, PA 4 1566
Weinberger, Marvin I Havertown, PA 11 2464

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