Method for making an electrical coil

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5649353





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A method for making an electrical coil such as a superconductive switch or an energy dump resistor. The midportion of a coil wire, whose ends are wound around two supply spools, is looped around a radially-extending pin on a shaft. The shaft is turned in one direction and the coil wire is guided such that segments are paid out from the first supply spool and sections are paid out from the second supply spool, such segments and sections being wound from the middle to a corresponding end, then being wound from the corresponding end to the middle where they are crossed over, and then being wound from the middle to the other associated end. A stratum of electrical insulation is positioned, at the appropriate time, on the second segment and second section, and, in the case of the switch, an electrical heater is positioned, at the appropriate time, on the first segment and first section.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Laskaris, Evangelos Trifon Schenectady, NY 126 1523
Ranze, Richard Andrew Scotia, NY 11 112
Salasoo, Lembit Schenectady, NY 72 1729

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