Apparatus and method for simultaneous bilateral retinal digital angiography

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6086205





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A novel apparatus and method for simultaneous bilateral retinal digital angiography. The apparatus is provided as an optical system containing two optical modules which act as retinal ophthalmoscopes with image capture capacity in real time. Each optical module is positioned in front of one eye, allowing simultaneous imaging of both retinas on a screen placed in a position convenient for the operator, allowing the operator to visualize both images simultaneously. The invention provides for the use of agents of contrast for angiographical study. In a preferred embodiment, the operator aligns and focuses the apparatus manually with the aid of a joystick. A trigger located on or near the joystick allows image capturing. In another preferred embodiment, the apparatus is controlled by a semi-automated mode of operation, in which the optical modules are aligned manually while fine alignment for pupil centralization is done by a motorized system. In yet another preferred embodiment, a fully automated apparatus is provided in which a plurality of infrared detectors are used to align the apparatus and at least one infrared beam is used for focusing. The illumination system may be provided as a viewing light source and strobe lamp with fiber optic guides or as a scanning laser beam.

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Svetliza, Eduardo Raanana, IL 8 261

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