Analysis method for enhancing and extracting second order nonlinear response components of the multi-area electroretinogram

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6086206





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Two new modes of stimulation and analysis are provided for the enhancement of local and lateral nonlinear interactions in the multi-area electroretinogram. In both modes the stimulation consists of a sequence of stimulus intervals (40) of equal size. In mode 1 each stimulus interval may contain two stimuli of the same or different type. Stimulus 1 occurs at a predetermined time within each interval (40) while stimulus occurs pseudorandomly at the beginning of the intervals. The same pseudorandom stimulation is used for all stimulated areas (12) with and appropriate shift in the stimulus sequence from one area to the next. Multi-area responses are derived by cross-correlating the response cycle with a sequence of the same length with values of +1 and -1 at the beginning of each stimulus interval to reflect the pseudorandom stimulation and 0 everywhere else. In mode 2 each stimulus interval contains pseudorandom stimuli at different time points (50) within each stimulus interval. The stimuli at different time points are controlled by the same pseudorandom sequence with an appropriate shift in the sequence from one time point to the next. Stimuli at different time points may be of the same or of different type. A stimulus of the same or different type can be presented at the beginning of each stimulus interval (40). Multi-area responses are derived by cross-correlating the response cycle with a sequence of the same length with +1 and -1 at the time point 1 of each stimulus interval reflecting the pseudorandom stimulation at this time point and 0 everywhere else. Mode 2 yields the responses generated by the stimuli at each time point in the stimulus interval for each stimulated area.

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Sutter, Erich E 711 Palomar Dr., Redwood City, CA 94062 5 60

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