Optical communication system, optical receiver, optical transponder, wavelength multiplexing optical communication system, wavelength multiplexing receiving device, and wavelength multiplexing optical transponder

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8831441





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To reduce PAPR in an optical OFDM communication system, light is phase-modulated by a base-band OFDM signal which is the output of a transmission signal processing unit 100 provided in an inner section of an optical receiver. When optical communication is implemented with the light as signal light, PAPR of low level of almost 0 dB can be achieved at places in an inner section of an optical fiber wherein the optical power is large. The signal light is propagated along an optical fiber which is a transmission path, the light is passed through a delay interferometer, and converted to electrical signals by two optical receivers. Each of the two electrical signals is converted to a subcarrier by FFT signal processing and an AD converter disposed in an inner section of the optical receivers, then, subcarriers having the same frequency are subtracted and decoded, and data is regenerated.

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Sasaki, Shinya Sapporo, JP 123 2451

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