System and method for providing remote data access and transcoding for a mobile communication device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8554950
APP PUB NO 20090296657A1





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A system for providing information content over a network to a mobile communication device includes a transcoding system and a first network device. The transcoding system includes a plurality of transcoders. Each transcoder is operable to transcode the information content from a respective input content type into a respective output content type. The first network device is in communication with the transcoding system and includes a connection handler system. The first network device is operable to receive a first connection request that includes transcoder request data and to select a corresponding connection handler. The connection handler is operable to select one or more transcoders from the plurality of transcoders based on the transcoder request data.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brown, Michael S Waterloo, CA 345 8863
Little, Herbert A Waterloo, CA 294 9129
Omar, Salim H Waterloo, CA 12 710
Owen, Russell N Waterloo, CA 36 1563
Rybak, Tomasz K Waterloo, CA 5 651
Yach, David P Waterloo, CA 67 2197

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