Georaster physical data model for storing georeferenced raster data

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7177882
APP PUB NO 20050055376A1





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In one embodiment of the present invention, in a database management system, a system for handling geographic raster data comprises a first data table including a plurality of GeoRaster objects, each GeoRaster object including a spatial extent geometry and associated metadata, the spatial extent geometry identifying a footprint of a geographic raster data object and associated with at least one block of raster data, a second data table including a plurality of raster objects, each raster object associated with one block of raster data of a GeoRaster object and including information indicating a spatial extent of the block of raster data and information relating to the block of raster data, a first spatial index built on the first data table based on the spatial extent geometry of each of the plurality of GeoRaster objects, the first spatial index operable to retrieve a GeoRaster object from the first data table based on a relative spatial location of the GeoRaster object, and a primary key index built on the second data table based on the information relating to the block of raster data, the index operable to retrieve a raster object from the second data table based on the information relating to the block of raster data associated with the retrieved raster object.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ravada, Siva Nashua, NH 39 1549
Xie, Qingyun Nashua, NH 5 62
Xu, Weisheng Nashua, NH 2 25

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