Lithium metal composite oxide powder, positive electrode active substance for lithium secondary battery, positive electrode, and lithium secondary battery

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11990617
APP PUB NO 20210083286A1





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A lithium metal composite oxide powder including: secondary particles that are aggregates of primary particles, and single particles that are present independently of the secondary particles, wherein the lithium metal composite oxide is represented by composition formula (I), and the single particles have an average crushing strength exceeding 80 MPa:

description='In-line Formulae' end='lead'Li[Lix(Ni(1-y-z-w)CoyMnzMw)1-x]O2  (I)description='In-line Formulae' end='tail'

wherein M is one or more metal elements selected from the group consisting of Fe, Cu, Ti, Mg, Al, W, B, Mo, Nb, Zn, Sn, Zr, Ga, La and V, −0.1≤x≤0.2, 0≤y≤0.4, 0≤z≤0.4, and 0≤w≤0.1.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Imanari, Yuichiro Niihama, JP 33 277
Kuroda, Tomoya Fukui, JP 14 1

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