Inflation valve allowing for rapid inflation and deflation of an inflatable object

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8978693





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Disclosed is an inflation valve enabling a user to quickly inflate and deflate an inflatable object. The inflation valve can include an inflation chamber that is an adequate size to capture a breath of air blown by a user from a distance away from an outside opening of the inflation chamber. This allows surrounding air into the area of low pressure created by the moving air, thereby greatly increasing the amount of air entering the inflatable object. To prevent air from escaping the inflatable object, the inflation valve can include a non-invertible one-way valve and/or an invertible one-way valve. Each valve can prevent air from escaping the inflation chamber until adequate pressure is applied from the outside opening of the inflation chamber, for example, as a result of a user blowing air into the inflation chamber. The invertible one-way valve can be inverted to reverse the properties of the valve.

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Frayne, Ryan Christopher Tampa, US 6 35

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