Rotating seal-type liquid testing apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11493452
APP PUB NO 20200309709A1





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A rotating seal-type liquid testing apparatus includes a lower cup component, an upper cup body, a top cover and a testing element. The lower cup component includes a lower cup body, a high liquid baffle, a low liquid baffle and a water-absorbing sealing plug. The low liquid baffle and the high liquid baffle divide a bottom of an inner cavity of the lower cup body into a reaction region and a cut-off region. An edge of a bottom surface of the inner cavity of the lower cup body is provided with a vent hole, and the vent hole is positioned in the cut-off region. The upper cup body is disposed in the lower cup body, a bottom surface of an inner cavity of the upper cup body is provided with a liquid outlet, and the liquid outlet is connected to the reaction region in the lower cup body.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gao, Fei Hangzhou, CN 189 1207
Lu, Weike Hangzhou, CN 3 0
Wang, Haijian Hangzhou, CN 2 0
Xiong, Yao Hangzhou, CN 6 2

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 May 8, 2026
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