Functionalized ionic liquid for solvating heavy aromatic compounds

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11807610
APP PUB NO 20230250061A1





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A process for removing heavy polycyclic aromatic contaminants from a hydrocarbon stream using a quinolinium ionic liquid is described. The process includes contacting the hydrocarbon stream comprising the contaminant with a hydrocarbon-immiscible quinolinium ionic liquid to produce a mixture comprising the hydrocarbon and a hydrocarbon-immiscible quinolinium ionic liquid comprising at least a portion of the removed contaminant; and separating the mixture to produce a hydrocarbon effluent having a reduced level of the contaminant and a hydrocarbon-immiscible quinolinium ionic liquid effluent comprising the hydrocarbon-immiscible quinolinium ionic liquid comprising at least the portion of the removed contaminant.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Elomari, Saleh Ali Fairfield, US 44 124
Luo, Huping Moraga, US 52 328
Singa, Timi Pravin Richmond, US 5 7

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