Model-based transmission upshift control with engine torque management

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6364811





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An improved control for an automatic transmission upshift, wherein the engine output torque and on-coming clutch pressure are coordinated during the shift based on an inverse dynamic model of the transmission to achieve a desired output torque trajectory. The desired output torque trajectory is influenced by operator demand, and an initial value of the desired output torque trajectory is used along with the engine output torque to develop an input acceleration trajectory. The inverse dynamic model of the transmission is used (1) to determine an engine torque command that will achieve both the input acceleration trajectory and the desired output torque trajectory, and (2) to determine a feed-forward pressure command for the on-coming clutch that will produce the input acceleration trajectory, given the engine torque command. The desired output torque trajectory and the engine output torque are used to determine the expected input speed, and a feed-back control term based on the deviation of the measured input speed from the expected input speed is used to adjust the on-coming clutch pressure command to account for model errors. Finally, the closed-loop feedback error is used to enable adaptive correction of the feed-forward control so that the feed-forward clutch pressure more nearly produces the commanded input shaft acceleration.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hubbard, Gregory A Carmel, IN 47 2641
Nitz, Larry Theodore Carmel, IN 2 72
Robinson, Timothy Alan Avon, IN 11 265
Runde, Jeffrey Kurt Fishers, IN 18 330
Steinmetz, Todd M Indianapolis, IN 22 723

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