IFFT processing in wireless communications

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8543629
APP PUB NO 20080040412A1





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Techniques for perforating IFFT pipelining are described. In some aspects, the pipelining is achieved with a processing system having a memory with a first, second and third sections, an encoder configured to process data in each of the first, second and third memory sections in a round robin fashion, an IFFT configured to process the encoded data in each of the first, second, and third sections in a round robin fashion, and a post-processor configured to process the IFFT processed data in each of the first, second and third memory sections in a round robin fashion.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bai, Jinxia San Diego, US 17 141
Cousineau, Kevin S Ramona, US 4 23
Ganapathy, Chinnappa K San Diego, US 16 242
Oh, Seokyong San Diego, US 3 8
Subrahmanyam, Jai N Santa Clara, US 23 1515
Van, Veen Durk L Santee, US 14 58

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