Communication apparatus, communication method, and program

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8985451
APP PUB NO 20060180666A1





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A communication apparatus performing communication in a noncontact manner is provided. The communication apparatus includes a transmission control unit configured to transmit a command; a timeout period checking unit configured to check whether a timeout period during which a response to the command is waited for has elapsed; a retransmission control unit configured to retransmit the command only after the timeout period has elapsed; an error checking unit configured to check whether data received within the timeout period has an error; and a processing unit configured to regard the data received within the timeout period as a correct response to the command if the data does not have an error and perform a process in accordance with the response. If the data received within the timeout period has an error, the retransmission control unit does not retransmit the command and the timeout period checking unit continues to check whether the timeout period has elapsed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Sakamoto, Kazuyuki Chiba, JP 54 442
Yamashita, Katsuya Tokyo, JP 53 545

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