Method for treating fiber suspensions

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5221434





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A method and apparatus for the treating of fiber suspensions in the pulp and paper industry and particularly to a method and apparatus for washing fiber suspensions. The method is characterized in that the fiber suspension is fed into the treatment apparatus, the desired process is carried out and the suspension is discharged from the apparatus in such a way that the fiber suspension is fed directly from the pipework to the treatment ducts mounted between the end plates of the rotational parts of the washer thus forming substantially extensions of the pipework. The fiber suspension is treated in the ducts and thereafter the treated suspension is discharged from the ducts by feeding yet untreated suspension to the apparatus. The apparatus includes a plurality of axially elongated treatment ducts (9) arranged in the form of a ring around an axis of rotation. The ducts are radially limited by filter surfaces (10, 11) and in the direction of the end walls divided by partition walls (8). The ducts are rotatably arranged around shaft (12) inside casing (2). A feed conduit (4) for the pulp is arranged at one end of the apparatus and a discharge conduit (6) for the treated pulp at the opposite end thereof. The feed and discharge conduits are sequentially registrable with the same treatment duct.

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Henricson, Kaj Kotka, FI 41 237

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