Arrangement for receiving numerical data, comprising a circuit for recognizing the start of packets

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4841365





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Arrangement for receiving numerical data transmitted in the form of multiplexed packets in the video channel of a television transmission system, particularly comprising a circuit for recognizing data whose output signal (V) is used to authorize the transfer of the data signal (D) from a demodulator to a demultiplexer by means of an switching circuit (16a). The circuit (160) for recognizing the data comprises a D flip-flop (31) receiving the data signal (D), an exclusive-OR gate (33) whose inputs receive the data signal (D) and the output signal (D') of the D flip-flop (31) and which supplies from its output a signal (DX) applied to the input of a synchronous control module (32) which stores a given sequence of successive states of its input (36) during the opening period of a time window generated by a window generator (34) and which supplies the recognition signal (V) for authorizing the transfer when the said sequence of successive states is essentially a sequence of high states. Application: reception of data transmitted by means of a system such as Antiope, Ceefax or Nabts.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cantou, Christian J R Combs la Ville, FR 1 12
Guenot, Andre Yerres, FR 1 12

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