Optimization of multi-stage hierarchical networks for practical routing applications

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11777872





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Significantly optimized multi-stage networks, useful in wide target applications, with VLSI layouts using only horizontal and vertical links to route large scale sub-integrated circuit blocks having inlet and outlet links, and laid out in an integrated circuit device in a two-dimensional grid arrangement of blocks are presented. The optimized multi-stage networks in each block employ several rings of stages of switches with inlet and outlet links of sub-integrated circuit blocks connecting to rings from either left-hand side only, or from right-hand side only, or from both left-hand side and right-hand side; and employ shuffle exchange links where outlet links of cross links from switches in a stage of a ring in one sub-integrated circuit block are connected to either inlet links of switches in the another stage of a ring in the same or another sub-integrated circuit block.

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Konda, Venkat San Jose, US 38 536

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