System and method for monitoring an oxidation catalyst

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11946400
APP PUB NO 20230122537A1





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A lean-burn internal combustion engine and an exhaust aftertreatment system having an oxidation catalyst are described. A controller determines a fueling rate and a mass flowrate of the exhaust gas feedstream. An inlet temperature of the exhaust gas feedstream upstream of the oxidation catalyst is determined via the first temperature sensor, and an in-use outlet temperature of the exhaust gas feedstream is determined downstream of the oxidation catalyst via the second temperature sensor. An expected outlet temperature from the oxidation catalyst is determined based upon the inlet temperature, the fueling rate, and the mass flowrate of the exhaust gas feedstream. The oxidation catalyst is evaluated based upon the expected outlet temperature and the in-use outlet temperature.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ott, Trevor Joseph Anacortes, US 5 3
Swart, Charles Wayne Reinhardt Bellingham, US 34 45
Webb, Cynthia Chaffin Sedro-Woolley, US 36 192

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Oct 2, 2027
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