Polarization axis attenuation and cross polarization resistant antenna orientation assembly for tracked object

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11360186
APP PUB NO 20210103024A1





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Methods and systems related to an antenna orientation are disclosed herein. In one specific embodiment, a system comprises a positioning device configured to generate a positioning signal, a control object, and an object antenna configured to receive the positioning signal. The object antenna has a first polarization axis and is located on the control object. The system also comprises a positioning device antenna configured to transmit the positioning signal. The positioning device antenna has a second polarization axis and is located on the positioning device. The first polarization axis and the second polarization axis are offset from parallel by greater than thirty degrees when the positioning device and control object are in a standard operating mode. The first polarization axis and the second polarization axis are offset from perpendicular by greater than thirty degrees when the positioning device and control object are in a standard operating mode.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Colafrancesco, Julien Paris, FR 14 28
Mandine, Oliver Le Plessis-Robinsson, FR 4 8

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