Controller system with module mountable on base

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11745094
APP PUB NO 20220401826A1





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A controller system is provided herein that includes a controller base including at least one input device for receiving user input and a mechanical interface. The controller system further includes a controller module comprising a processor and memory. The controller module is configured to removably mount on the controller base at the mechanical interface thereby establishing a communication link therebetween. The user input received at the at least one input device is routed through the controller module to a console computing device.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Patana, Tero Juhani Kirkland, US 1 0
Shields, James McColl Seattle, US 3 1
Wang, Shuoqi Scott Redmond, US 2 1
Whitaker, Ryan Eugene Seattle, US 24 158

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