Memory coherence directory supporting remotely sourced requests of nodal scope

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8504779
APP PUB NO 20120203976A1





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A data processing system includes at least a first through third processing nodes coupled by an interconnect fabric. The first processing node includes a master, a plurality of snoopers capable of participating in interconnect operations, and a node interface that receives a request of the master and transmits the request of the master to the second processing unit with a nodal scope of transmission limited to the second processing node. The second processing node includes a node interface having a directory. The node interface of the second processing node permits the request to proceed with the nodal scope of transmission if the directory does not indicate that a target memory block of the request is cached other than in the second processing node and prevents the request from succeeding if the directory indicates that the target memory block of the request is cached other than in the second processing node.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ganfield, Paul A Rochester, US 20 47
Guthrie, Guy L Austin, US 268 2181
Krolak, David J Rochester, US 25 210
Siegel, Michael S Raleigh, US 71 936
Starke, William J Round Rock, US 219 2684
Stuecheli, Jeffrey A Austin, US 170 1223
Williams, Derek E Austin, US 214 1776

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Feb 6, 2025
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