Method and system for intraoperative guidance using physiological image fusion

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8532352
APP PUB NO 20120087563A1





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A method and system for intraoperative guidance in an off-pump mitral valve repair procedure is disclosed. A plurality of patient-specific models of the mitral valve are generated, each from pre-operative image data obtained using a separate imaging modality. The pre-operative image data from the separate imaging modalities are fused into a common coordinate system by registering the plurality of patient-specific models. A model of the mitral valve is estimated in real-time in intraoperative image data using a fused physiological prior resulting from the registering of the plurality of patient-specific models.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Boese, Jan Eckental, DE 135 2566
Comaniciu, Dorin Princeton Junction, US 397 11445
Georgescu, Bogdan Plainsboro, US 194 6082
Ionasec, Razvan Ioan Princeton, US 25 1041
Klingenbeck, Klaus Aufseβ, DE 25 494
Voigt, Ingmar Erlangen, DE 26 716
Zheng, Yefeng Dayton, US 123 3181

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