Device structure and manufacturing method using HDP deposited using deposited source-body implant block

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8372708





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This invention discloses a semiconductor power device. The trenched semiconductor power device includes a trenched gate, opened from a top surface of a semiconductor substrate, surrounded by a source region encompassed in a body region near the top surface above a drain region disposed on a bottom surface of a substrate. The semiconductor power device further includes an implanting-ion block disposed above the top surface on a mesa area next to the body region having a thickness substantially larger than 0.3 micron for blocking body implanting ions and source ions from entering into the substrate under the mesa area whereby masks for manufacturing the semiconductor power device can be reduced.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bhalla, Anup Santa Clara, US 323 5731
Hébert, François San Mateo, US 86 920
Lui, Sik K Sunnyvale, US 62 1505
Tai, Sung-Shan San Jose, US 51 802

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