Bed microclimate control with preparation cycle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11918119
APP PUB NO 20210204712A1





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A bed system includes microclimate control capabilities for providing quality sleep experience. The bed system can include a microclimate control subsystem configured to supply conditioned air (e.g., heated or cooled air) to a mattress, or draw ambient air from the mattress, to achieve a desired temperature at the top of the mattress. Utilizing supply of conditioned air to provide air at desired temperature to the mattress system, or utilizing air suction to drain heat away from the mattress system, can provide precise microclimate control at the mattress, thereby permitting conformable sleep.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jocson, Cristina Marie San Francisco, US 9 13
Karschnik, Kody Lee Plymouth, US 42 506
Norell, Alexander San Jose, US 5 0
Rose, Eric Stephen Piedmont, US 10 16
Siffring, Caleb Victoria, US 8 23
Yang, Chee Nong Princeton, US 14 26

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Sep 5, 2027
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