Endodontic obturation system and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8808002
APP PUB NO 20130122452A1





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A root canal filling system is provided that allows for better control of position, temperature delivery, and/or compaction forces of filling material when sealing root canals. The system includes a removable filler material delivery device and a holder. The delivery device has the capacity to provide information related to the position of the filler material, allows for a thorough and precise heating of the filler material in vivo, and allows for 3-dimensional packing forces to be applied to the filler material simultaneously as conditions are monitored. The system can additionally include a base unit and/or a plugger. The system (1) analyzes the position of the filler material in the canal prior to heating and packing the filler material, (2) heats the filler material such that the filler material is of a substantially uniform temperature, and (3) allows for packing of the filler material simultaneously as the delivery device is removed.

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Simons, Wyatt San Clemente, US 4 12

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