Manufacture of face-down microelectronic packages

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8945987
APP PUB NO 20140273346A1





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In a high volume method for manufacturing a microelectronic package, a spacer element and a first die, i.e., microelectronic element, can be attached face-down to a surface of a substrate, contacts on the first die facing a first through opening of the substrate. Then, a second die can be attached face-down atop the first die and the spacer element, contacts on the second die disposed beyond an edge of the first die and facing a second through opening in the substrate. Electrical connections can then be formed between each of the first and second dies and the substrate. The first and second dies can be transferred from positions of a single diced wafer which are selected to maximize compound speed bin yield of the microelectronic package.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Crisp, Richard Dewitt Hornitos, US 113 2744
Haba, Belgacem Saratoga, US 723 20968
Zohni, Wael San Jose, US 152 2964

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