Pilot process method for system boot and associated apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8812910
APP PUB NO 20130055019A1





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A pilot process method for system boot and an associated are provided. An environment variable is read from a NAND flash memory. When an irrevocable error exists in an environment variable, the environment variable is read successively for a predetermined threshold number of times. A backup variable of the environment variable is read when the irrevocable error is still present in the environment variable that is read for a predetermined threshold number of times, and the environment variable is restored according to the backup variable. Therefore, when it is confirmed that the environment variable is damaged, a backup variable is utilized and the damaged environment variable is restored according to the backup variable, so as to ensure a normal boot-up process of the system to significantly enhance system reliability as well as user experience.

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Zhou, Tao Shanghai, CN 115 482

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