Intravaginal set, a method of treatment of prolaps of urogenital organ and urinary stress incontinence in women and an application of a intravaginal set

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6530879





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An intravaginal set and a method of treatment of prolaps of urogenital organs and urinary stress incontinence or in the period of intervals in women when the intravaginal therapeutic insert for treatment of static disorders of the urogenital organs and urinary stress incontinence is not currently inserted, said method being realised by means of an intravaginal set of inserts, characterized by selecting the appropriate size of corrective insert from a subset of intravaginal corrective inserts, consisting of at least two balls with step increase in diameter, ranging between the minimal and maximal woman vaginal diameter, each ball being preferably hollow, each ball has the loosely hanging string and each ball is made preferably of medical material, such as polycarbonate or methyl methacrylate, said selecting being realised by means of an intravaginal measuring subset comprising at least two metal or plastic balls having graduated diameters corresponding to graduated diameters of the balls from the subset of the intravaginal corrective inserts, which balls instead of the loosely hanging string have a rigidly mounted linearly scaled slat for measurement of optimal diameter and depth of localization of the corrective insert in the vagina, depending on actual and individual anatomical conditions of urogenital organ of the woman being treated, by the selection of appropriate optimal diameter and depth of localization of the corrective insert in vagina by approximations with using the balls from the measuring subset, so that contraction of the levator ani muscle will cause the elevation of the insert and the elevation of the insert will cause the elevation of the uterus and/or correction of the cysto-urethral angle, and during the progress of said treatment the sizes of successive applied corrective inserts are adjusted by analogic selection of appropriate optimal diameter and depth of localization of the measuring ball in the vagina, and advantageously by carrying out the exercises of the pelvic floor muscles of treated woman lying in prone or genucubital position in the intervals between successive replacements of the corrective inserts.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • ADAMED, SP. Z.O.O.

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Adamkiewicz, Marian Warsaw, PL 1 36

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