Anesthetic apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4538605





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An anesthetic apparatus for administering a gaseous anesthetic comprises a breathing mask which is connected to the inspiration pipe and the expiration pipe of the apparatus and used for connecting the apparatus to the airways of a patient. To prevent harmful gaseous anesthetic from being released to the surroundings when the mask is temporarily lifted from the patient's face during anesthesia in order to check the condition of the patient, the apparatus is provided with a gas suction device which can be connected to the mask through a controllable valve. The gas suction device may be continuously operated or may be started automatically when the valve is opened. A signal emitter for generating control signals and applying these to the valve is arranged on, or in the vicinity of the mask in a manner such that it can either be activated manually by the anesthetist, or is activated automatically when the mask is lifted from the patient's face, at which time it generates a control signal for opening the valve. In this way, the suction device is connected with both the inspiration pipe of the anesthetic apparatus and with the mask, whereby all gaseous anesthetic supplied through the inspiration pipe is removed by suction, and also at least the major part of the gas exhaled by the patient is caught and removed by suction through the mask. The suction device has a capacity which at least corresponds to, and preferably exceeds, the maximum flow of gaseous anesthetic capable of being delivered by the anesthetic apparatus any one moment in time.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gedeon, Andras Taby, SE 17 569
Odselius, Leif Upplands Vasby, SE 5 37

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