Batch transfer of control of memory devices over computer networks

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11483148
APP PUB NO 20220231839A1





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A system, method and apparatus to control memory devices over computer networks. For example, a server system establishes a secure authenticated connection with a client computer system to receive a request having a batch identification that is configured in the server system to identify a batch of multiple memory devices. After determining that the client computer system is eligible to control the multiple memory devices in the batch, the server system transmits to the client computer system a response. The response contains control data for each respective memory device in the batch. The control data is based on at least a cryptographic key stored in the server system in association with the respective memory device. Using the control data the client computer system submits a command with a digital signature to the respective memory device, which validates the digital signature prior to execution of the command.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dover, Lance W Fair Oaks, US 70 290
Nelson, Travis Duane Boise, US 4 3

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