All-hydraulic powered horizontal stabilizer trim control surface position control system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6439512





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A control system utilizes hydraulic power only to control a fixed-wing aircraft horizontal stabilizer trim control surface with no electrical control devices except for a cockpit pilot/co-pilot initiated 3-position spring-centered toggle trim switch, a backup electrical motor and a standard electronic logic pilot interface. The toggle trim switch controls two solenoid valves which control the operation of a directional control valve. The control system also includes a hydraulic motor, a rate control valve, a blocking-bypass valve, a shutoff valve with an integrated position sensor and a gear set driving an acme threaded output shaft for elevating or lowering the horizontal stabilizer trim control surface on command by the pilot. The control system controls the horizontal stabilizer trim control surface angular displacement rate as a function of angular position by means of a mechanical feedback linkage between the spool of the rate control valve and the horizontal stabilizer trim control surface. The sleeve of the rate control valve has a variable outflow area slot to control the hydraulic flow rate to the motor ports of the hydraulic motor. The horizontal stabilizer trim control surface is automatically stopped at pre-determined maximum-up/maximum-down positions by means of a mechanical feedback linkage between the horizontal stabilizer trim control surface and the spool of the shutoff valve. If the mechanical feedback linkage between the rate control valve spool and the horizontal stabilizer trim control surface malfunctions, the rate control valve automatically reverts to a default fixed flow rate which translates into a corresponding fixed horizontal stabilizer trim control surface angular displacement rate.

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Hart, Kenneth Edward Simi Valley, CA 1 39

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