Low on-resistance MOSFET implemented, by-pass diode or circuit breaker and related self-powering and control circuit

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8674545
APP PUB NO 20110278955A1





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A MOSFET implemented self-powered current by-pass or circuit breaker device is based on the use of a high multiplication factor (HMF) inductive voltage booster, adapted to boost a voltage as low as few tens of mV up to several Volts, assisted by a start-up low multiplication factor (LMF) charge pump made with low threshold transistors for providing a supply voltage to a polarity inversion detecting comparator of the drain-to-source voltage difference of a power MOSFET connected in parallel to a DC source or string of series connected DC sources or battery, in series to other DC sources during normal operation of the parallel connected DC source or string of series connected DC sources or battery. The inductance for the high multiplication factor, inductive voltage booster for most of the considered power applications is on the order of a few pH and such a relatively send inductor may be included as a discrete component in a compact package or “system-in-package” of monolithically integrated circuits.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Pulvirenti, Francesco Acireale, IT 57 1166
Signorelli, Tiziana Teresa Aci Bonaccorsi, IT 3 135

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