Wildlife controllant and methods of using the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6652870
APP PUB NO 20020155143A1





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An animal controllant comprises a shellfish waste material mixed with a binding agent and applied to plants such that the controllant repels or attracts animals therefrom, depending on the animal desired to be controlled. The shellfish waste material typically comprises shell and/or tissue material of crab, lobster, mussel, shrimp, clam, oyster, and mixtures thereof, and the binding agent typically comprises clay, corn oil and/or ground corn. A colorant such as alfalfa, which may also act as a binder, may also be added to the controllant formulation. The controllant may be applied to plants by itself or with the aid of an adhesive. The repellent may also be applied to a substrate such as a flag or a protective tube, which is then positioned on or about the plant. The inventive shellfish waste formulation has been found to protect plants by repelling animals including deer, elk, hares, rabbits, gophers, voles, mountain beavers, and moles and by attracting certain insectivorous and carnivorous animals, such as dogs, wolves and coyotes. The controllant is believed to function by releasing ammonia as the formulation decomposes as a result of exposure to sunlight and water.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Campbell, Clinton L 5227 Gifford Rd. SW., Olympia, WA 98512 2 6
Campbell, Dan L 5227 Gifford Rd. SW., Olympia, WA 98512 2 6
Campbell, Joanne M 5227 Gifford Rd. SW., Olympia, WA 98512 2 6

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