Generation method, detection method, generation device, and detection device of zero watermarking for trajectory data, and storage medium

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11983789





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A generation method of zero watermarking for trajectory data, a detection method of zero watermarking for trajectory data, a generation device of zero watermarking for trajectory data, a detection device of zero watermarking for trajectory data, and a storage medium are provided. The generation method divides a trajectory based on a coordinate system constructed by trajectory feature points of trajectory data into blocks, and then the moment invariants of trajectory in each block are used to construct a watermark sequence, which can achieve copyright protection without modifying the trajectory data. In addition, since the generation method uses moment invariants which can represent overall features of the trajectory to construct the watermark sequence, the generation method has strong stability in the face of common attacks and can resist almost all common types of attacks.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hu, Yuchen Nanjing, CN 3 0
Ren, Na Nanjing, CN 19 5
Wang, Heyan Baoding, CN 3 0
Zhou, Qianwen Huai'an, CN 2 0
Zhu, Changqing Nanjing, CN 17 116

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Nov 14, 2027
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