Gasification power generation system provided with carbon dioxide separation and recovery device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8621841
APP PUB NO 20110107737A1





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A gasification power generation system provided with a carbon dioxide separation and recovery device is disclosed. The system includes a carbon dioxide separation and recovery device having a shift reactor to convert carbon monoxide contained in fuel gas into carbon dioxide by mixing steam into the fuel gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen to cause a shift reaction; a carbon dioxide absorption tower to produce fuel gas from which carbon dioxide has been removed by allowing an absorption liquid to absorb carbon dioxide from the fuel gas containing carbon dioxide flowing down the shift reactor; an absorption liquid recycling device to recycle an absorption liquid by separating carbon dioxide absorbed by the absorption liquid in the carbon dioxide absorption tower; and a gasification power generation system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fukuhara, Hirotsugu Hitachi, JP 4 14
Hosoi, Kishu Hitachi, JP 2 51
Mishima, Nobuyoshi Hitachi, JP 14 76
Takeda, Yasushi Hitachi, JP 39 624

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