Using a steerable beam of RF energy to eliminate viruses and/or bacteria from a volume of air

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11471544
APP PUB NO 20210353787A1





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Pathogens (e.g., viruses or bacteria) within a volume of air can be killed or deactivated using RF energy. A plurality of phase shifters input an RF signal and output a phase-shifted version of the RF signal at their respective outputs, wherein an amount of phase shift introduced by each of the phase shifters is controllable. A phased array antenna has a plurality of microwave radiators, and each of the respective outputs of the phase shifters drives a respective one of the microwave radiators. A controller controls the phase shifters to drive the phased array antenna such that a beam of RF energy emanates from the phased array antenna and sweeps through a volume positioned in front of the phased array antenna, and the beam of RF energy kills or deactivates the pathogens.

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Palti, Yoram Haifa, IL 118 8551

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