Systems and methods to manage screen sharing of displayed local system windows

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11797320
APP PUB NO 20230051262A1





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Systems and methods are provided that may be implemented to manage screen sharing of local system windows from a local information handling system to other remote information handling systems by a screen sharing application. In one example, the disclosed systems and methods may be implemented to allow selected local system window/s to continue to remain visible to a local user on the local display screen of a local information handling system that is executing a screen sharing application, while at the same time blocking or otherwise preventing the selected local system window/s from being shared by the screen sharing application across a network with other remote information handling systems, e.g., that are participating with the local information handling system in a common web conference session.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Daugherty, Daniel Thomas Plano, US 3 0
Ruiz, Ricardo Antonio The Colony, US 7 8
Yanez, Jonathan Nathan Allen, US 10 67

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