Surface profiling apparatus and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6035542





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A surface profiler 10 has a forward support wheel 20, an intermediate support wheel 21 and a rearward support wheel 22 for travelling along a surface, the profile of which is to be measured. The wheels 20, 21, 22 are spaced apart at predetermined distances longitudinally of the direction of travel for travel along substantially the same line along the surface. The profiler 10 further comprises a forward frame member 40 supported by the forward and intermediate support wheels 20, 21 and a rearward frame member 41, supported by the intermediate and rearward support wheels 21, 22. The forward and rearward frame members 40, 41 are pivotally connected together about the rotation axis of the intermediate support wheel 21. Angle measuring means 30 is provided for measuring the relative orientation of the forward and rearward frame members 40, 41 with respect to the rotation axis of the intermediate support wheel 21. The profiling apparatus 10 also includes an inclination measuring means 32 for referencing one of the forward and rearward frame members 40, 41 to a reference position which is independent of the forward and rearward frame members 40, 41, such as the horizonal position. A method of measuring the profile of a surface is also provided.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Toom, Paul O 300 Murphy Drive West, Delta, British Columbia, CA 3 57
Woznow, Leon J 1262 Eastview Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia, CA 2 39

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