Interchangeable chromatography cartridgeadapter system

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11946915





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A chromatography system has a cartridge adapter that is detachably attachable to enable a chromatography cartridge to be quickly interchanged. Chromatography cartridges are configured with threads for coupling to a corresponding interchangeable coupling component having matching threads. The interchangeable coupling component may be secured to the chromatography system by a coupling retainer. A coupling retainer may have a keyway that is configured for quick interchanging of the interchangeable coupling components. The interchangeable coupling component may have a pair of parallel sides that align with a slot of the keyway to secure the interchangeable coupling components to the coupling retainer. An inlet nipple of the chromatography cartridge may extend through an opening in the coupling components and couple to an inlet conduit for sample gas. Analyte gas may flow back to the chromatography system for detection and collection.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ebersold, Curtis Newark, US 5 17
Ferrara, Kim Middletown, US 9 31

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Oct 2, 2027
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