Internal pedicle insulator

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11540920





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A pedicle insulator implant is designed to protect the nerves and surrounding tissue from injury by pedicle screws or other surgical devices and instruments. The implant is configured to shield a fixture, reduce nerve root irritation, and diminish loosening of the fixture, when the fixture is implanted into the void of a target site. The implant includes features for stabilizing and securing the implant within the void at the target site. For example, in one embodiment, the implant includes one or more ridges and one or more teeth sections that stabilize the implant against rotational and extractive forces that could disturb the implant.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chappuis, James L Atlanta, US 32 863

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Fee Large entity fee small entity fee micro entity fee due date
3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jul 3, 2026
7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Jul 3, 2030
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Jul 3, 2034
Fee Large entity fee small entity fee micro entity fee
Surcharge - 3.5 year - Late payment within 6 months $160.00 $80.00 $40.00
Surcharge - 7.5 year - Late payment within 6 months $160.00 $80.00 $40.00
Surcharge - 11.5 year - Late payment within 6 months $160.00 $80.00 $40.00
Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unavoidable $700.00 $350.00 $175.00
Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unintentional $1,640.00 $820.00 $410.00